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A Partnership and a Legacy

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University of Denver

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michael pulman and eric lindstrom

Michael Pulman, PhD, and Eric Lindstrom, MD, wanted to make an impact on the study of human sexuality in ways not possible in decades past. Now, through a $3 million gift, they are making that difference at the University of Denver.

With their gift, the couple is creating a new interdisciplinary chair through an endowment in the College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences to focus on human sexuality, and in particular, the cultural impact of homosexual individuals. As Pulman and Lindstrom say, many contributions by homosexual individuals throughout history have, until recently, gone unrecognized.

“This gift is important not only academically, it also helps us advance the cultural environment at DU as our community engages more and more intentionally in conversations around gender and sexuality, as well other issues of identity. Our conversations are enriched when we can view the experiences of ourselves and others through the lenses of history and science and other subjects. This gift will have a lasting impact on DU.”
-Chancellor Jeremy Haefner

“We believe our investment in DU will provide the platform for studying artists and others, living and dead, whose sexuality has been central to their driving force and their path to achievement for the betterment of humanity,” the couple says.

The two have enjoyed longstanding and meaningful connections to DU: Pulman was a professor of history at DU from 1971 to 1991—an experience he counts among the greatest in his life—and Lindstrom has a three-year association with the Lamont School of Music through his avocation as a jazz musician.

Pulman and Lindstrom are members of the Spire Society and the Pioneer Legacy Society.