Ways to Give
Explore Our Giving Options
When you give to DU, you support 12,000 students in their educational journeys. From scholarships to program funds, faculty endowments, state-of-the-art facilities and beyond, your generosity makes a difference in the ways that they learn, grow and change the world. Thank you for your partnership in fueling this thriving community — on campus and beyond.
Campaign Investment Fund
As the University of Denver continues to deepen its commitment to building a global culture of engagement and philanthropy, 5% of philanthropic gifts received on or after January 1, 2018, will be allocated to support fundraising and engagement efforts. Additionally, the University will commit a portion of annual reserve funding to support campaign operations. The combined funding from these two sources will constitute the Campaign Investment Fund. These assessments will significantly extend the reach and impact of gifts to the University and help advance the mission of the University of Denver.

By Mail
Mail a check or money order made payable to the University of Denver to:
University of Denver
P.O. Box 910585
Denver CO 80291-0585

Foundation Relations
Corporate Relations and Foundation Giving promotes and strengthens relationships between the University of Denver and corporate and foundation partners.

Endowed Gifts
The DU Endowment is built on the generosity of donors and alumni. The funds are used for new facilities, programming, professorships, student aid and more. Over the years, the endowment has changed lives both on and off campus, supporting students and alumni with immersive educational experiences, career development services and other opportunities. Discover how the endowment empowers the DU community to create meaningful change.

Estate & Planned Gifts
When you include the University of Denver in your estate plan, your generosity advances students' scholarly inquiry, cultivates critical and creative thought, and generates knowledge. Thank you for ensuring that DU can impact the students we serve and educate well into the future. Legacy gifts like estate giving, income gifts, IRA rollovers, charitable lead trusts and real estate provide innovative ways for you to support our next generation of students and the areas of DU that mean the most to you.

Faculty & Staff Gifts
DU faculty and staff commit themselves to the university's mission every day. You understand firsthand the importance of supporting academic success, research excellence and community engagement initiatives. Faculty and staff generosity shows our alumni and friends that those closest to DU are inspired by the university's people and programs. The power of your collective support makes an enormous impact on the university's mission. When you're inspired to give, your gift is magnified by the inspiration it gives to others.

Parent & Family Gifts
Philanthropy plays a crucial role in DU's continued excellence, and the ongoing generosity of DU parents is a testament to the quality of that educational experience we provide. Last year, more than 1,500 families went above and beyond for DU — totaling more than $2 million dollars in donations. The generosity of DU parents, grandparents and other family members empowers us to support the people, places and programs that are at the heart of the DU experience.

Stock & Mutual Fund Gifts
When you donate your assets to DU, you see your ambitions and goals reflected in the future of our facilities, research and programming. Your gift has real, far-reaching impact that advances the causes you truly care about. We work to make the process of supporting DU as simple as possible. If you have questions regarding stocks held with a broker, mutual funds or stocks held in certificate form, we're here to help you make a meaningful impact.

Giving Societies
The University of Denver giving societies were created to recognize the tremendous generosity of our community. Each level of support and every gift allows DU to continue along this journey, pioneering the future of higher education and creating meaningful impact in our communities and around the globe.

Matching Gifts
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees. If your company is eligible, the impact of your gift to the University of Denver may be doubled or possibly tripled! Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.
Terms and Conditions
By making a gift to the University of Denver, you are agree you agree that the gift will be governed by the terms and conditions of the University of Denver Policies, the Gift Acceptance Policy, and the Donor-Funded Naming Opportunities and Fund Minima Policy. If at any time Federal, State or local laws require changes to the terms of the Fund, or if the University determines that it has become impossible, impractical, or inappropriate to use the Fund according to the current terms, then the University of Denver may amend the terms of the Fund for such purpose that it determines will best further the mission of the University, giving due consideration to the original intention of the donors to the Fund. Non-endowed funds may also be converted into endowed funds at the discretion of the University and in alignment with DU Policy. This commitment is subject to the Campaign Investment Fund assessment.