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Providing Food Security for the DU Community

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University of Denver

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shelves full of produce

College students are a particularly vulnerable population when it comes to food insecurity, or the lack of reliable access to enough affordable, nutritious food. The DU Food Pantry seeks to address this need by providing no-cost access to healthy food for all members of the DU community. Last year, more than 3,100 pounds of food was given away to individuals in need, and much of the Food Pantry’s support came through DU Night at Zoo Lights registrations and alumni donations.

  • $26,776 dollars were raised
  • 1,131 donors gave
    • 634 alumni
    • 196 friends
    • 155 parents
    • 82 students
    • 63 faculty & staff
  • $15 average gift size
  • 384 gifts came through the call center
  • 3,100 pounds of food distributed