Student Experience

group of students working together

4D Experience

The University of Denver has served generations of students by preparing them to innovate to meet the needs of their time. Now is no exception. The 4D Experience is the University of Denver's reimagination of the traditional college experience, continuing DU’s commitment to a customized, holistic education that will prepare students to navigate their life and career after graduation.  



Campus Life & Inclusive Excellence

Campus Life and Inclusive Excellence (CLIE) is dedicated to creating a demographically diverse campus. The goal of CLIE is to not just strive for a demographically diverse university, but to create and foster ways to have folks interact across different backgrounds and identities, thus promoting the concept of Inclusive Excellence.

recovery community

Collegiate Recovery Community

The CRC is a supportive environment within the campus culture that reinforces the decision to pursue sobriety. It is designed to provide academic excellence alongside recovery support to ensure that students do not have to sacrifice one for the other.


food pantry

DU Food Pantry

The DU Food Pantry serves as a supplemental resource for students and staff at DU who are facing food insecurity. The DU Food Pantry allows anyone with a DU ID number to visit once per week and select a bag of food from the inventory of nutrient-dense foods. 



DU Traditions

DU is a university that is steeped in traditions that enrich the student experience. From the Crimson 5K during Homecoming to Global Reveal Day, where students learn of their study abroad destinations, the University of Denver is dedicated to helping preserve and foster traditions old and new alike.

GS Professional Development Fund

GS Professional Development Fund

The Graduate Student Professional Development Grant (GSPDG) was established to encourage student participation in scholarly and creative activities that support academic progress and foster professional growth. In the 8 years of awarding conference travel grants, DU graduate students have presented in 85 US cities, 37 US states, and 29 countries, at a number of competitive conferences. In 2018-2019 alone, awards were given to 57 students across 9 divisions and more than 37 programs, supplementing student association funding by an average of over $500 and allowing them to advance the scholarship in their respective fields through innovative and groundbreaking research.



Health & Counseling Center

The HCC Access Fund Helps remove financial barriers to health and counseling services for DU students. Best practice tells us that ongoing education is the best way to help students learn new skills and create a culture change toward the eradication of gender violence on college campuses. As a result, the Health and Counseling Center has partnered with different campus areas to provide multi-dose and multiplatform programs to help students build their skills and expertise.



Internship Stipends

Internship stipends help students with unpaid internships cover their housing, food, and relevant internship-related expenses without financial stress.


Pioneer Leadership Program

Pioneer Leadership Program

PLP is a transformational learning experience that combines course work, a residential community, civic engagement and professional networks to equip 21st century citizen leaders. Through the study and practice of leadership, students acquire the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to become an effective, collaborative leader in whatever field they choose. 


student passport

Student Passport Fund

The Student Passport Fund, established by Ambassador Christopher and Mrs. Julie Hill, will help University of Denver students pursue personal and intellectual growth through international travel. The fund provides financial assistance to offset the application cost for a U.S. passport for students who are applying for a passport for the first time.


Student Assistance Fund

Student Assistance Fund

This fund offers financial assistance to students who are unable to meet their basic needs due to an unexpected hardship or temporary circumstance.
